
I tell you that woman gonna get her ass whipped.

Seguint aquest post, el becario Juan Ramón i jo hem decidit no punxar mai més a l'Aretha Franklin.

Tampoc punxarem (no crec que mai l'haguèssim punxat, igualment) a la petarda de la Beyocé, que va fer això. I la Etta li va dir això:

“I’m gonna do a song for ya now that…umm….You guys know your president right? (crowd: “Yeah.”) You know the one with the big ears. Yeah, wait a minute, he ain’t my President, he might be yours. I tell you that woman he had singing for him, singing my song, she gonna get her ass whipped. (Applause.) The great Beyonce! Now like I said, she ain’t mine. And you aint mine, I mean I made a mistake, you are mine. But I can’t stand Beyonce! She had no business up there singing. Singing on a big ol’, big ol’ president’s day and going be singing my song that I’ve been singing forever. We’re gonna do that song for you. I gotta do it for you…(inaudible over applause)…That song is called, ‘At Last.’”
No us explico res més. Veieu i, sobretot, sentiu. Sentiu amb les orelles i... vaya, que si no se us trempen els mugrons és que no sou negres ni sou res.

72 tacos té la reina. Qué tia!!

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